
I exercise, I am happy
發(fā)布時間:2023-8-9 10:36:37   點擊:次   【打印】【關(guān)閉

       The body is the capital of revolution, and having a healthy body is the key to welcoming the storms of life. Let's advocate for a healthy life and build a happy society together. The body is the capital of revolution, and having a healthy body is the key to welcoming the storms of life. Let's advocate for a healthy life and build a happy society together.

       Our company's first activity at work every day is "dancing" for health, and going to the moon sports stadium once a week for exercise is even more popular among everyone. Such activities enhance team cohesion, ignite employee passion, showcase team style, and enhance company vitality. Won unanimous praise from all team members and the on-site crowd.


jump high

Ninin Sankyaku



       The famous French philosopher Voltaire once said, "Life lies in motion

       Strengthen physical exercise and make exercise a habit!


contacts:wang wei mobile phone:18939372208
tel:0393-8919239 fax:0393-8917809
email:hnlonghua2012@163.com address:Puwang Industrial Park, Fan County Industrial Cluster Zone, Puyang City, Henan Province
Copyright © 2023-2024 Henan Longhua Lvjie Petrochemical Co., Ltd    Filing number:Yu ICP Bei No.2023033669